



DevOps security is a practice that development 操作 (DevOps) organizations are tasked with exploring and implementing in the name of securing the 软件开发生命周期.

这通常表示保证整个的安全 持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD) 管道, 从将被集成的工具, 开发人员将负责以下流程, 以及这些过程的执行程度. 关于DevOps安全意识形态的挑战,Forrester说:

“安全领导者寻求降低与不安全的DevOps流程相关的风险, 一半的人很难做到这一点,因为安全和开发过程没有集成. 从开发者的角度来看, leadership’s prioritization of security over shipping dates and existing security protocols sometimes forces them to subvert access controls in order to meet their delivery deadlines. Inefficient processes and a lack of clear boundaries for accountability create friction between DevOps and 安全团队.”

However, the push to secure the development process has yielded solutions that prioritize ease-of-use, 效率, 自动扫描 infrastructure-as-code (IaC) 模板. 通过这种方式,开发人员可以确保快速交付的安全性.

Tooling such as command-line interfaces (CLIs) enable on-demand security scans of IaC plans and 模板 with results delivered directly in the CLI, thereby shortening the discovery and feedback loop for security and compliance issues to the point of immediate remediation.


DevSecOps is the process of integrating security processes earlier into the CI/CD 管道 through cooperation between engineers, 安全团队, 以及其他领导职位. 这个过程也被称为“向左移动”." 

DevOps established a culture of collaboration and an agile relationship between development and 操作 teams, DevSecOps旨在以生产力和伙伴关系的名义继续这些主题. The concept enforces the idea that every employee and team is responsible for security, and that decisions need to be reached efficiently and put into action without sacrificing security. 

更快地将新代码投入生产是推动新业务发展的一个目标. However, in today's world that goal needs to be balanced with the responsibility of addressing security. 自动化是将安全性转移到开发过程中的关键推动者. The goal is to bring the different phases of security into the DevOps model and automate the entire process, so security is integrated directly into the initial application builds and IaC template scanning processes. 


The primary goals and benefits of DevSecOps are those that open the door for organizations to experience advancement in operational 效率 across various departments. 这包括: 

  • 更快的安全团队响应时间 
  • 早期代码漏洞检测 
  • 提高产品可靠性 
  • 在后期安全实践的应用过程中减少僵局
  • DevSecOps工程师有更多的时间来创建更精细的产品开发周期 
  • 消费者以更快的速度体验到越来越安全的产品


  1. 应用程序及其 漏洞 暴露在互联网上是为了被客户使用吗. 因此, they are easily within an attacker’s reach – often masked as legitimate traffic – as compared to other critical infrastructure, 恶意攻击者.

  2. Web应用程序经常与数据库通信, 文件共享, 还有其他重要的信息——这是大量的数据. 如果他们被入侵,就更容易获得所有关键数据. 这包括信用卡, 个人身份信息(PII), 社会安全号码, 以及其他专有信息.
  3. There are tools available to attackers that allow them to penetrate and exploit with relative ease. Web应用程序安全测试 is critical, especially since most application 漏洞 are found in the source code. 动态应用安全测试(DAST) is a primary method for scanning web applications in their running state to help developers identify real, 可利用的风险. 以真正的DevSecOps的心态, it’s important to note that scanning earlier in the 软件开发生命周期 can give time back to developers and testers.


就像DevOps一样,伙伴关系和协作是DevSecOps的全部内容. It's critical that security and development teams get together to understand the risks other teams face. 将安全测试集成到SDLC中的有效方法包括: 

  • Using continuous integration solutions to ensure security testing is conducted easily and automatically before an application goes into production
  • Implementing issue tracking to ensure an application security solution automatically sends defects to an issue tracking solution used by the development and QA teams
  • 利用自动化和测试使安全测试更加有效 

将应用程序安全性更早地嵌入到SDLC中有许多好处. 如果您像对待其他软件缺陷一样对待安全漏洞, it's possible to save money and time when developers and testers identify them earlier.


不出意外的话, you should now be able to understand that integrating security principles into the DevOps process is entirely possible, 但也并非没有挑战,比如:


最终目标、优先级和截止日期的变化速度每天都在增加. 人们只是期望安全能够跟上. 面对这样的变化,这可能是一个挑战 云迁移 以及全面的数字化转型. Scanning and testing the security of development frequently is something that should have early buy-in across stakeholders. The greater challenge will come if someone discovers an issue after it goes to production and things have to slow to a crawl to accommodate remediation. 


Overall 云安全 在增加DevSecOps过程时应该考虑什么. This can include everything from cloud service provider (CSP)-native security controls and how your organization leverages them, IaC工具的复杂性, 识别将被自动化的过程. 随着云中工作负载数量的增加, security challenges can sometimes fall between the gaps and outside of traditional processes, 从技术和操作的角度来看增加了额外的风险.


平台 Kubernetes 对运行应用程序的各种容器进行分组和管理. 容器不断地被旋转和替换, 因此Kubernetes将立即交换容器以确保没有停机时间. 不难想象,在这样的发展速度下,安全是多么具有挑战性. 在这一切之中, it can be hard to surface relevant insights and threat findings and control unforeseen 漏洞 that come from an instance inadvertently being overwritten.  


Red tape within organizations can present challenges such as lack of buy-in from management, 预算不足(开源工具可以提供帮助), 孤立的努力. 另外, a shortage of skilled workers could reinforce the same old decision-making patterns at those management levels. 让团队以一种快速的方式来解决一个问题可以决定成败. 100%的跨职能工作很可能不是每个组织都能实现的. However, 接近这个目标有助于加强团队, 提升士气, 并反馈关键的学习,最终提高成功的速度.


尽管存在不小的挑战, establishing DevSecOps best practices can ensure that – once processes are more or less up and running – security does not act as an impediment to the speed of application development. 

  • 建立跨职能的支持由于开发团队的数量,这一点至关重要, DevOps的工程师, 安全团队——他们必须一起工作来创建一个真正的DevSecOps组织.
  • 在开发者所在的地方与他们见面开发人员希望编写代码,而不是实现安全性. 因此,他们应该尽可能容易地做到这一点. Rapid7’s CLI 工具可以帮助促进这一过程.

  • 在开发和生产中使用一致的政策和标准:在开发中运行扫描与在生产中运行扫描是不同的. 减少团队摩擦, it's a good idea to use consistent policies and standards to catch misconfiguration or non-compliance issues.
  • 选择与现有管道/工具链共存的工具无缝集成是这个过程的关键, so it’s critical to choose a security tool that can support and integrate with your other tools. 例如, 如果Terraform是你的IaC工具, 选择一个可以扫描Terraform的安全工具是个好主意. And if it integrates with a messaging platform where your developers communicate – like Slack – even better.
  • 尽可能自动化一切速度和效率是最终目标. This is achievable by automating processes that need not be done manually and removing as much friction between developers, 操作, 以及尽可能的安全.  


